Treatment Systems


The GTS is a self-cleaning filtration technology developed to efficiently remove suspended solids and particles up to 10 μm from water with an easy operation and low-maintenance. The GTS can be equipped with different filter cloths and different pore size according to the specific requirements of our clients. Due to an innovative design of the inner filter segments and assembly, the GTS offers an optimized total filtration surface. This innovative design facilitates the removal of matter, and provides very efficient continuous cleaning and less wasted water. The GTS reuses part of the filtered water for the backwashing system so that an external rinse-water source is not required. The special filter assembly of the GTS allows easy and partial replacement of the filter segments in order to simplify its maintenance.

– Optimized total filtration surface

– Easy operation

– Easy and fast replacement of filter segments and spraying nozzles

– Very efficient cleaning of the filter mesh

– No external rinse-water demand due to reuse of filtered water

– Minimal water waste

– Low maintenance and energy cost

– Lower capital investment costs and footprint requirement

– Durable components and long-lasting filter mesh

  • Prefiltration applications
  • Efficient filtration of suspended materials
  • Variable size of filtration

MSP Swift Source - Mösslein Superior Purification

The MSP system consists of three filter tanks which are filled with quartz gravel and coconut shell activated carbon. The filtration of suspended matter with quartz gravel is followed by an absorption station with activated carbon. This operation as well as the backwashing of the plant are performed fully automatically.

What is removed?

> Rust, sand and heavy metals (lead, mercury etc.)

> Drugs (residues such as hormones, antibiotics, painkillers etc.)

> Plant protection products (pesticides, herbizides, fungizides)

> Industrial pollution (asbestos, ethylbenzenes, trichlorethylene etc.)

> Parasites (Cryptosporidim, Clostridia etc.)

> Bakteria and viruses (E. coli, coliforms, Pseudomonas etc.)

> Chlorine and by-products (trihalomethanes, chloramines, chlorinated hydrocarbons, CFCs, etc.)

> Turbidity, odor and color (organics, colloids, sand, silt, particulates etc.)

What remains?

The dissolved minerals stay entirely in the water. These are essential elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron and sodium.

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